April Fishing 2013

Fishing Reports

Spring Corporate Fishing Days
Spring Corporate Fishing Days
A perfect Spring corporate fly fishing day. Lots of fun and plenty of fish!

It’s great to see my prediction from our last report come to fruition. The past 2 weeks have provided stunning stillwater fly fishing, with amazing buzzer hatches. Olive hatches are starting to become more abundant and with warmer average temperatures recently, Spring is starting to catch up.

We’ve enjoyed introducing several groups of people to the benefits of fly fishing, along with the many 1-to-1 lessons throughout April. May and June are the months everyone wants to come fly fishing, so already we only have a few dates available until mid June. Ensure you join the fun, book your trip today!

River fishing is starting to really get going now. Expect the Derbyshire Wye in particular to provide some really special fly fishing opportunities, right through to the seasons end on October 8th.


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