Recent weeks have been typically popular for both our stillwater and river fly fishing opportunities. As ever it’s been great to introduce many people to the sport of fly fishing, open the eyes of more experienced anglers to to new approaches and meet up with regular clients who enjoy a good day waterside.
Fly hatches have been good all round this spring, though the wind in recent weeks has made the dry fly fishing less consistent than it would otherwise have been, we still did very well overall. With Mayfly season winding down for another year, it’s time to look forward to the many opportunities for Summer. On the lakes, smaller midge patterns than for spring are a big draw, as are damsel and dragon fly nymphs. Right now pin fry from this year’s course fish spawning are exploding everywhere and the trout are really getting onto them.
If you’ve not tried it yet, fly fishing for carp is great fun during summer and often your best chance of action during prolonged spells of hot weather (we wish eh) for daytime fishing at least.
On the rivers blue winged olives and caddis are going to dominate dry fly sport overall for the rest of the season, while in the nymph department you won’t go wrong imitating shrimps, caddis larvae and the BWO nymphs.
As a starting point this fly selection will allow you to cover all the situations described above, have fun!