I’m delighted to report, June has been another fantastic month for fly fishing! Lakes have fished very well overall, with some top quality fish landed and many clients making great improvements to their fishing, something which is so rewarding for me to see. Nymphs came out on top overall, with buzzers, PTN’s, hare ear, damsels and mayfly nymphs top performers. Dry fly fishing was also productive on the right day, with mayflies, caddis, daddies and F flies scoring, one client had 9 fish to dries at Loynton.
River wise, the Derbyshire Wye experienced a superb Mayfly season and fishing was tremendous over the month, despite river levels fluctuating regularly. With fly hatches both abundant and diverse the fish had every reason to rise. The trouts larder further stocked with copious terrestrial insects, gave them further reason to poke their noses through the surface film regularly.
Looking forward to July, expect the lake fishing to become a little more challenging as food availability for the trout sky rockets. Earlier and later in the day will be most productive on average. On the rivers, expect further great fishing, especially during spells of consistent weather. If we ever get any that is!