March started our 2024 beginners fly fishing course program. While many people take lessons throughout the year, our beginners courses suit others who prefer the social element of joining a small group. As can be seen in the above image, it’s an active day and lots of fun! The occasional day during March provided opportunity to fish dry fly on the lakes, but most of the fishing took place with lures and nymphs fished under the water, where fish like to feed most. The coming weeks will see fishing get even better than it is now, as things warm up.

April starts our 2024 river trout season. We should benefit from the wet winter providing good flow rates through the season to keep fish eager to feed. We are looking forward to sharing the Peak District rivers with many new and returning clients! We will enjoy some dry fly fishing from the start, though nymph fishing is normally dominant early on.
Best Fishes
Steve & Andrea