Despite low temperatures until the last day in May, fly fishing proved to be good. On stillwaters, hatches of buzzers and olives, plus a good fall of hawthorn flies, meant action at and around the surface was superb. River fishing developed as May progressed, with the best fishing being lunchtime to 4PM. Once fly hatches got going, fishing proved very much worth waiting for, though the trout made us work for takes, with regular fly changes required to keep fish coming. The sort of interesting fishing we love to show people as you can learn so much.
Mayfly is the hot topic currently, with everyone asking what is happening. Hatch activity is around 10 days behind across waters both still and running. This means Cotswold waters are hitting peak hatch rather than tapering down, while around the Peak District hatches are only just starting. So you can still catch mayfly 2013 and we have a small number of June dates available. Pick your fly fishing trip here.
Fly hatches on the Coln and to a greater extent on the Wye are diverse and  very productive, with a range of upwing flies, midges and caddis appearing. So moving forward things are looking good post Mayfly. Between hatches, huge numbers of caddis larvae and shrimps are available to imitate.
Stillwater fly fishing prospects are healthy too. Water temperatures remain good and recent sampling showed huge numbers of damsel fly nymphs and shrimp at both Bushyleaze and Loynton lakes. Two flies sure to figure well in coming weeks.