Since our last report in June, river fishing has got better and better. We have run most lessons and guided fishing during the afternoons and evenings during settled warm and dry conditions. At this time of year it offers clients the very best opportunities to enjoy good fishing. Nymph, wet fly and dry fly techniques have produced plenty of fish like the brown trout pictured above and we expect this to continue right through to the end of our river season in October.

While high summer (now it’s arrived😉) is not the best time for trout lakes to fish well, it makes for a very pleasant time to learn skills and be outdoors. Casting lessons and our very popular 1/2 day lessons are available daily to suit personal experience levels from beginner onwards. Dry flies suggesting terrestrial insects along with general nymphs such as Daiwl Bach and PTN have produced the majority of fish caught.
We look forward to seeing you waterside!