It’s official, Spring is here! March has been a very interesting month. Early March saw me presenting at the first London Fly Fishing Fair, a really good event, with a venue and organisation that shows fly fishing in a very good light. It was interesting to contrast my environment during those two days, with my normal office, a prime example of the beneficial effects and true escape fly fishing provides!

The rest of March has been focused on the water, the seasonal increase in fly fishers emerging from fly fishing hibernation has begun. Lakes are fishing brilliantly, many quality fish being landed fighting well above their weight. A combination of nymph and lure fishing according to daily weather conditions have been the ticket to success.

Finally, the river trout season opened mid month on the Derbyshire Wye. Typically sport centres on nymph fishing, with fly hatches very much dependant upon conditions day to day. March 2017 is no different and it has been great to catch the first wild brown trout of the year with clients once again.
Looking forward April, May and June are going to be awesome! If you’ve not yet booked your trip, get in touch.
Best Fishes