Olive Nymph

Fly Tying

Olive Nymph

Olive Nymph

  • Hook: – Kamasan B175 or similar, size 14-20
  • Thread: – Olive
  • Tail: – Olive hen hackle fibers
  • Rib: – Fluoro green floss
  • Abdomen & Thorax: – SLF blend (3 parts light olive : 1 part fluoro orange)
  • Tie unweighted or weighted with both fine copper and fine lead wire underbody

Our take on an olive nymph which is very effective as a change fly on rivers from high summer to the season’s end  and during the grayling season too.

Unweighted, the olive nymph can be fished high in the water or greased to sit right in the surface film, emmerger style. Fish weighted versions on a dead drift or induced take to sighted fish or while prospecting fishy looking lies.

Bonus tip, it’s deadly on stillwaters from late August on when it makes a great imitation of many immature nymphs. It will fish well right through autumn, winter, into early spring.

Have fun!



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