Tweaked Taddy

Fly Tying

The Tweaked Taddy
The Tweaked Taddy
Trout - Be afraid, be very afraid!

Hook – Kamasan B175 size 6-12.

Head – Black metal bead or dumbell eyes. Eye colour, yellow, orange or red with black pupil. Bug bond the head/eyes for durability and lifelike sheen.

Thread – red, orange or yellow.

Tail – Marabou or polar bear of appropriate colour, 3 x longer than body.

Body – UV straggle fritz of appropriate colour.

In addition to colours shown, pink, olive, green, red and yellow have also proved effective. Good combo colours are yellow/olive, orange/black and silver/black.

What makes this fly work? It combines movement with, vulnerability, the key trigger points of eyes, size, realistic reflection and action.

Top tip – tie size 12 versions, plus variant on a large hook with half the normal body so you can tie in the tail close to the hook eye. Try both when experiencing tail nipping, one or the other will work far better than shortening the fly’s tail which totally destroys the fly’s action.

Successful colour depends on light levels and water conditions as fish scales reflect colour according to both. Hence what we perceive as a blatant attractor, is in certain conditions imitating  the trouts natural prey. Here you have 2 options.

1) Pay your dues, experimenting with colours in various conditions of light/water at all times of year. This takes time, effort and disciplined record keeping. It’s how we work things out.

2) Take a humungus short cut, book a trip with our guides!

Best Fishes

Team MFF


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