Wye Weekend

Fishing Reports

With Spring fishing now in full swing, what better place to have been than guiding on Derbyshire’s River Wye this weekend? John had traveled up from London on a fly fishing break and enjoyed some great dry fly and nymph fishing. Despite a cool wind blowing and sporadic hatches, dry fly brought most fish to the net. A good mix of browns and rainbow trout kept the rod bending, confirming the numerous tips Steve passed onto John actually worked!

John hooked up to a river wye brown trout
John hooked up to a river wye brown trout
John releasing a wild brown trout.
John releasing a wild brown trout.

John Caught well  on emerger patterns as midges, olives and stone flies hatched between late morning and mid afternoon. We adopted nymphing tactics with czech nymph and bead head pheasant tails before and after the main hatches to keep those fish biting. Sight fishing proved productive and great fun during the brighter part of the day. Landing two sighted trout in two  casts delighted John, something he had never done before. Next time we will do the treble John!

Best Fishes



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